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About Us

The Institute of Lifelong Learning (ILLL) is dedicated to the cause of those who believe that learning is neither age-bound nor classroom-bound; rather it takes place throughout life in all kinds of situations. The Institute has been striving to develop state-of-the-art infrastructure to help Delhi University's teaching faculty, administrative staff and students in capacity building for ICT skills. ILLL is continuously expanding the horizons towards achieving excellence in higher education. The Institute of Lifelong Learning is a nodal agency for creation and uploading of e-Content for Undergraduate Students (UG) of the University of Delhi. The endeavor is an attempt to provide additional quality e-learning resources for students in the form of e-lessons, e-lectures videos, e-labs and e-quizzes for students enrolled in UG courses. Rich academic engagements at ILLL are the outcome of collective efforts of the academic community at Delhi University. The institute is committed to provide multiple pathways for lifelong learning and increased opportunities of access, equality and inclusion.

Interested academicians in Delhi University colleges/departments/ centers are welcome to join and contribute in the mission of ILLL and are requested to provide information pertaining to their discipline at the e-mail: illlearning@gmail.com


The vision of ILLL is to emerge as a 'Nodal Institution' of the University for contributing towards Lifelong Learning at various levels in the realm of National Education Policy 2020 and Sustainable Development Goals 2030.


The mission of the ILLL is to be a catalyst in bringing about transformational and sustainable changes in higher education and other realms of the society. To undertake research and documentation, develop and conduct courses, create awareness and educate and empower various stakeholders in the community on various contemporary issues and challenges, including teachers, non teaching staff, students, senior citizens, housewives, children, marginalized sections etc. through community outreach programmes and to have collaborations with Regional, National and International bodies, Ministries, Government and Non government organizations, Industries and Corporate bodies as well as within University.


  1. To initiate the integration of MOOCs for SWAYAM into the University system and its development as well as e-content creation.
  2. To create a digital platform for starting cMOOCs (on the lines of Coursera)
  3. Organizing workshops, seminars and conferences for capacity building in ICT for the Teaching Faculty, Student and Non Teaching Staff of University of Delhi.
  4. To educate and empower various stakeholders through:
    • Skill development Programmes
    • ICT training and digital literacy
    • Capacity building programmes
    • Mentorship programmes
    • Internship programmes
    • ersonality development
    • Summer and Winter schools
  5. To disseminate and deliberate on various policies, documents, and initiatives in collaboration with government and non government organizations through:
    • International and National Conferences/ Seminars
    • Reading circles and Discussion forums
    • Podcasts & videos
  6. To organize community outreach and training programmes for specific target groups like youth, senior citizens, housewife, LGBT, transgender, slum children, marginalized / disadvantaged sections of the society.
  7. To undertake research, and documentation
  8. To start a ILLL journal for providing a platform for scholars and teachers to publish their research work